Wednesday, March 1, 2017


Do you want to speed up your WordPress site? Fast loading pages for your website and help with your WordPress Cache plugin. In this article, I will share the most useful WordPress speed optimization boost WordPress Cache plugin and speed up your website.

W3 Total Cache


W3 Total Cache improves the SEO and user experience of your site by increasing website performance, reducing download times via features like content delivery network (CDN) integration.


* Improvements in search engine result page rankings, especially for mobile-friendly websites and sites that use SSL

* At least 10x improvement in overall site performance (Grade A in WebPagetest or significant Google

* Page Speed improvements) when fully configured

* Improved conversion rates and "site performance" which affect your site's rank on

* "Instant" repeat page views: browser caching

* Optimized progressive render: pages start rendering quickly and can be interacted with more      quickly

* Reduced page load time: increased visitor time on site; visitors view more pages

* Improved web server performance; sustain high traffic periods

Up to 80% bandwidth savings via minify and HTTP compression of HTML, CSS, JavaScript and feeds


* Compatible with shared hosting, virtual private / dedicated servers and dedicated servers / clusters

* Transparent content delivery network (CDN) management with Media Library, theme files and WordPress itself

* Mobile support: respective caching of pages by referrer or groups of user agents including theme switching for groups of referrers or user agents

* Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) support

* Secure Socket Layer (SSL) support

* Caching of (minified and compressed) pages and posts in memory or on disk or on (FSD) CDN (by user agent group)

* Caching of (minified and compressed) CSS and JavaScript in memory, on disk or on CDN

* Caching of feeds (site, categories, tags, comments, search results) in memory or on disk or on CDN

* Caching of search results pages (i.e. URIs with query string variables) in memory or on disk

* Caching of database objects in memory or on disk

* Caching of objects in memory or on disk

* Caching of fragments in memory or on disk

* Minification of posts and pages and feeds

* Minification of inline, embedded or 3rd party JavaScript (with automated updates)

* Minification of inline, embedded or 3rd party CSS (with automated updates)

* Browser caching using cache-control, future expire headers and entity tags (ETag) with "cache-busting"

* JavaScript grouping by template (home page, post page etc) with embed location control

* Non-blocking JavaScript embedding

* Import post attachments directly into the Media Library (and CDN)

* WP-CLI support for cache purging, query string updating and more

* Various security features

* Caching statistics for performance insights

* Extension framework for customization or extensibility e.g. New Relic, Cloudflare, WPML and more

* Reverse proxy integration via Nginx or Varnish

Price: Free.

WP Super Cache 

This plugin generates static html files from your dynamic WordPress blog. After a html file is generated your webserver will serve that file instead of processing the comparatively heavier and more expensive WordPress PHP scripts.

The static html files will be served to the vast majority of your users, but because a user's details are displayed in the comment form after they leave a comment those requests are handled by the legacy caching engine. Static files are served to:

* Users who are not logged in.

* Users who have not left a comment on your blog.

* Or users who have not viewed a password protected post.

    The plugin serves cached files in 3 ways (ranked by speed):

    1. Mod_Rewrite. The fastest method is by using Apache mod_rewrite (or whatever similar module your web server supports) to serve "supercached" static html files. This completely bypasses PHP and is extremely quick. If your server is hit by a deluge of traffic it is more likely to cope as the requests are "lighter". This does require the Apache mod_rewrite module (which is probably installed if you have custom permalinks) and a modification of your .htaccess file. Visits by anonymous or unknown users will be served this way.

    2. PHP. Supercached static files can now be served by PHP. The plugin will serve a "supercached" file if it exists and it's almost as fast as the mod_rewrite method. It's easier to configure as the .htaccess file doesn't need to be changed. You still need a custom permalink. You can keep portions of your page dynamic in this caching mode. Your server may not cope as well with a really large amount of traffic. (You're gaming Digg aren't you? You'll need mod_rewrite, the rest of us are ok with PHP!)

    3. Legacy caching. This is mainly used to cache pages for known users. These are logged in users, visitors who leave comments or those who should be shown custom per-user data. It's the most flexible caching method but also the slowest. As each page is different it's often better not to cache pages for these users at all and avoid legacy caching. Legacy caching will also cache visits by unknown users if this caching mode is selected. You can have dynamic parts to your page in this mode too.

    If you're new to caching use PHP caching. It's easy to set up and very fast. Avoid legacy caching if you can.


    * Compatible with various hosting environments.

    * Minification functionality.

    * CDN support.

    * Database caching.

    * Object caching

    * Browser caching.

    * Advanced settings.

    Price: Free.



    Features available in WP Smush include:

    * Optimize your images using advanced lossless compression techniques.

    * Set maximum width and height and large images will automatically scale before being added to your media library

    * Process JPEG, GIF and PNG image files.

    * Asynchronously auto-smush your attachments for super fast compression on upload.

    * Manually smush your attachments individually in the media library, or in bulk 50 attachments at a time.

    * Smush all standard web-sized images 1MB or smaller.

    * Smush images with no slowdown using WPMU DEV's fast, reliable Smush API.

    * Global and individual settings for Multisite

    *View advanced compression stats per-attachment and library totals.

    Price: Free with the premium option available.

    Best tools to test the speed of your website.

    Load Impact: Click Me!

    Google Page Speed: Click Me!

    Web Page Test: Click Me!

    Pingdom Website Speed Test: Click Me!

    Well, I hope this article must have helped you. If you have any problem regarding this post just drop your comment here or you can also say "Thanks" simply.

    Have fun! :)


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